Olesya Zakharova

Russian Trademark Attorney (area of practice: trademarks and service marks).

Senior Specialist, Foreign Patent and Trademark Department

Area of expertise

Legal protection of means of individualization for Russian clients abroad and for Russian and foreign clients in the CIS countries.


Economics; Moscow State Linguistic University (2001–2006).


YUS, since 2005.

Russian, English, French, German.
International Trademark Association (INTA).
  • In 2023 Olesya Zakharova was recognized in Group II (excellent specialists worth of every recommendation) of the Intellectual Property category of the leading Russian lawyers rankings held by Rossiyskaya Gazeta (the official newspaper of the Government of the Russian Federation).


  • In 2021 Olesya was recommended in the Global Guide of Who’s Who Legal rankings in IP-Trademarks category.


  • Olesya was recognized in the ClientChoice nomination in the field of Trademarks (2021) held by Lexology.


  • The Legal 500 Europe, Middle East&Africa agency listed Olesya as a recommended expert in Intellectual Property.


  • The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals included Olesya in the WTR-1000 international list of experts in the field of intellectual property.

What the agency said:

“A keen navigator of foreign legal minutiae, Olesya Zakharova is a trusted ally of rights holders seeking to expand their footprint”.

“Olesya Zakharova is a cosmopolitan strategist, her metier lies in establishing Russian rights for foreign clients and she is fluent in English, French and German, as well as Russian”.