Robert Voskanyan

Advisor to Director General
Area of expertise
Legal protection of rights to the means of individualization for Russian and foreign clients.
- Information and Measuring Systems; Azizbekov Institute of Oil and Chemistry of Azerbaijan (1962–1967);
- Postgraduate Programme of the State Institute of Nitrogen Industry (1973);
- D. in Technical Sciences;
- Professor;
- Full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
- Robert Voskanyan gave more than 30 years to promoting the concept of intellectual property in the USSR and Russia (while working for the USSR Patent and Trademark Office and the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, or Russian PTO), having held the position of Head of the Trademark Department within the Russian PTO for more than twenty years. He was directly involved in the working out of the International Classification of Goods and Services by WIPO (6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th editions). Since 2012, Robert Voskanyan has had a good cooperation with YUS.
Russian, English.
According to the Best Lawyers rankings, Robert Voskanyan is in the list of the best intellectual property lawyers since 2014.
Dozens of publications on various issues related to legal protection of exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization.