Tatiana Perova
Russian Patent and Trademark Attorney (area of practice: inventions and utility models, designs, trademarks and service marks, appellations of origin).
Senior Specialist, Legal Department
Area of expertise
- Representation of clients’ interests in courts and the Chamber for Patent Disputes;
- Examination of intellectual property, including judicial examination, preparation of expert opinion reviews.
- Radio Engineering; Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (1962–1967);
- Patenting; Central Institute on Advanced Training of Workers and Specialists of National Economy in The Field of Patent Works(1973–1975);
- Patent Expert; Russian State Institute of Intellectual Property (1994–1996);
- State and Law professional training; The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration(1999).
- Before joining YUS in 2002, Tatiana Perova spent more than thirty years working in the USSR Patent and Trademark Office and the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Russian PTO) holding managing positions as well as the position of the 2ndClass Advisor to Higher Patent Chamber of the Russian PTO.
Russian, French.
- For the period from 2009 to 2020, Tatiana Perova has been regularly included in the Best Lawyers ratings and listed among Russia’s best IP lawyers.
- Dozens of publications in professional academic journals on Russian well-known marks and other IP.