Vera Stukalova

Russian Patent and Trademark Attorney (area of practice: inventions, utility models, trademarks and service marks).
Eurasian Patent Attorney.
Deputy Head of Patent Department, Head of Subdivision for Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Area of expertise
- Prosecution of patents for inventions and utility models both for Russian and foreign clients;
- Patent research, including patentability search, research concerning state of the art, freedom-to-operate, trends in technology development, engineering level of technology items, etc.;
- Representation of clients’ interests in courts and the Chamber for Patent Disputes;
- Examination of intellectual property, including judicial examination, preparation of expert opinion reviews.
- Mining Engineer; Russian State Geological Prospecting University (1997–2002);
- Interpreter in Professional Communication; Moscow Institute of Linguistics (2009–2010);
- Jurisprudence; Griboedov Institute of International Law and Economics (2016–2018).
- Vera has been working in IP since 2002, including work in the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Russian PTO) in the Department of Mining and Construction, in patent department of a large corporation and in Russian and International IP companies.
Russian, English.
In 2024 Vera Stukalova was recognized in Group I (the top specialists in the relevant practice) of the Intellectual Property category of the leading Russian lawyers rankings held by Rossiyskaya Gazeta (the official newspaper of the Government of the Russian Federation).
In 2023 Vera Stukalova was included in – 300 rankings of recommended lawyers in the Intellectual property (advising), Group I category.
- Eurasian patents: features, practical problems and recommendations // Economics and Life Legal Newspaper.
- Stukalova V. Parallel import in Russia. // Trademark Lawyer, issue 6, 2016.